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UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:55 am

I've noticed the last few times I tried to get onto our IRC channel that our server is no longer ProGamePlayer. Instead I have noticed that it has become the new Gamesurge server. Which leads me to one conclusion. That Gamesnet, and PGP's server merge was successfull. I just wanted to remind everyone that those two servers are now one server and you might (like I did) have to change your "preform" options next time you get on IRC.
Ultimate Fanboy

Joined: 25 Aug 2003
Posts: 2831
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:02 am

wow, cool.
gamesurge, what does surge mean? like suck?

<CrashOverwrite> ask Raven cause he nevaR knows anything.
<Cheetah01> hes nevaR here either Razz
<CrashOverwrite> true
<Rachel> Razz
UO Staff

Joined: 21 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 1:36 am


"The cow is you." -David Grohl
The Underworld God of Spamming

Joined: 07 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 3:20 am


surge [ surj ]

intransitive verb (past surged, past participle surged, present participle surg·ing, 3rd person present singular surg·es)

1. move like waves: to move in or like a wave, rising up and subsiding and sweeping forward or back
The boat surged in the rising swell.

2. make concerted rush: to move in a body with a sudden rush in a particular direction

3. increase suddenly: to increase strongly and suddenly

4. nautical slip: to slip while being turned on a capstan or windlass ( refers to ropes and cables )

5. refers to a person who is too lazy to go online and find the definition of the word surge

noun (plural surg·es)

1. large motion: a powerful rising and falling, or forward rushing movement, like that of the sea

2. sudden increase: a sudden increase in something, especially one that seems to rush through somebody or something like a wave

3. electricity power increase: a sudden and temporary increase in electrical current or voltage

4. astronomy energetic solar prominence: an energetic solar prominence lasting for several minutes, which accompanies a solar flare

5. nautical slip of rope: a sudden slipping or slackening of a rope or cable on a boat or ship

[Early 16th century. From French surgir “to rise up” and sourge- , the stem of sourdre “to spring up,” both ultimately from Latin surgere , literally “to rise up from below.”]

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