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PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:31 pm

Theres some basic useful stuff here, I use it often in ut channel, some of it might be outdated though. Hope it helps some of you.

I already posted in the begginers section, if anybody has a problem with this double post then message me and I will remove it from one of the areas.


To turn off IRC text to speech: go to settings,then audio, the box in the bottom right has the irc options, if you disable it, make sure you restart the game.


To add a buddy, go to the internet tab, select a server, right click on a player in the lower right box in your screen, and select add buddy, you can also add a random buddy and rename their name to that of your buddy.. Also, check out this thread :



For tech support go here: http://www.atarisupport.com/newfaq/unrealtournament2004.php?browser=1&pageDisplay=MAIN


If you have trouble getting a server list and connectiong to a game try refreshing (you can press f5 to refresh)--- Also check out this thread:


To join a server to which you already have the ip of, open your console, type open and then the ip, if you also have a port you need to add, after the ip add : and type the port.


If you are hosting a server and want to gain acces to the admin menu, open your console and type adminmenu, you will need to know your admin password. You can view current maps, players, ips, and ban people if you need.


For voice commands via headset:Looking inside of the Speech folder, you'll see .xml files containing the commands you can give bots through voice recognition. Also, this site may prove helpful:


--- Note: Speech recognition only works with the demo if you have a Control Panel -> Speech -> Speech Recognition tab, and you will need to have microsoft speech sdk installed:



If you want get the all seeing eye to work for the game, check out this thread:



Server port info for UT2K4 can be found here:



If you added a filter and cant see anymore servers, and cant remove the filter, delete this file: c:\UT2004Demo\system\ServerFilters


If you are having trouble getting voice chat to work, check out this thread:



To see the entire character list and their descriptions in the game, open Xplayers.Int in your system folder with notepad


If your game is displaying blurry text, this thread should help you fix the prob:

[url]http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=349130&highlight=text [/url]


If you want to modify the sound/speed of the text to speech voice, open your "Windows Control Panel". Doubleclick on "Speech" and then choose the tab called "Text-to-speech". You have a selection of different voices/speeds there. Download additional voices from



To unlock all the secret characters in UT2k4, open your ut2k4 ini file located in your system folder and add the character names to this line: TotalUnlockedCharacters= so it will look like this: TotalUnlockedCharacters=Malcolm;ClanLord;Xan


If you need help with any aspect of ut2004 check this out:


also check this link out:



Ons map guide can be found here:



Demo and screenshot record variables can be found here:

[url]http://www.ina-community.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=372702 [/url]


When your adrenaline bar reaches 100 press the following keys to activate it: Speedrun faster) forward 4x, booster: (health regeneration) back 4x, invisible: right 2x left 2x, berserk: (more damage+faster shooting) forward 2x back 2x


To view your fps press ~ (open the console) and type stat fps. then press enter.


to record a demo open console and type demorec
to stop the recording type stopdemo

to take screenshots of the game without weapons, open console and type togglescreenshotmode


Are there multiple editions of UT2004?

Yup! There are four different retail versions of UT2004:

1) 6CD version (main version for North America, rest of the world, Asia, and some parts of Europe)
2) DVD (Main version for Europe, Germany will be DVD only, not North America)
3) DVD Special Edition (w/bonus DVD and a headset), this should be available pretty much everywhere but in LIMITED QUANTITIES. This is now pretty hard to find.
4) DVD 2-Disc Edition (released April 13th, see the press release here). Contains the game on the first DVD and the Special Edition bonus content on the second, but doesn't have a headset or the fancy packaging the Special Edition has.

And what exactly is in that Special Edition?
Unreal Tournament 2004 DVD Special Edition will ship as a double-DVD set - disk one will include all of the game content while disk two will include hours of Video Training Modules (VTMs) from 3D Buzz that teach fans and amateur mod makers how to use the Unreal Editor to create custom game content. Unreal Tournament 2004 DVD Special Edition will come in a limited edition metal box and will contain a Logitech Internet Chat Headset for use with the game's exclusive voice-over-IP (voice chat) technology, as well as an Unreal window sticker.


Summon commands:

Console commands:

allammo 999 - Ammo for every weapon
allweapons - All weapons (fully armed)
loaded - All weapons
suicide - Commit suicide
stat all - Display all stats
quit - Quits game entirely
exit - Exits the game entirely
playersonly - Freeze time (type again to unfreeze)
stat game - Game statistics
god - Infinite health
killbots - Kills all bots
ghost - No clipping
fly - Fly mode
walk - Turns of Ghost and Fly
teleport - You will be teleported to the location on your crosshairs

summon xweapons.redeemerpickup - Spawns a redeemer
summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup - Spawns assault rifle
summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup - Spawns avril
summon xweapons.bioriflepickup - Spawns bio rifle
summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup - Spawns flak cannon
summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup - Spawns grenade launcher
summon xweapons.painterpickup - Spawns ion painter
summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup - Spawns lightning gun
summon xweapons.linkgunpickup - Spawns link gun
summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup - Spawns mine layer
summon xweapons.minigunpickup - Spawns minigun
summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup - Spawns rocket launcher
summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup - Spawns shield gun
summon xweapons.shockriflepickup - Spawns shock rifle
summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup - Summon a instagib shock rifle
summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup - Spawns sniper rifle

summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank - Summon a Goliath
summon Onslaught.ONSPRV - Summon a Hellbender
summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike - Summon a Manta
summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft - Summon a Raptor
summon Onslaught.ONSRV - Summon a Scorpion
summon OnslaughtFull.ONSHoverTank_IonPlasma - Summon a Phoenix
summon OnslaughtFull.ONSMobileAssaultStation - Summon a Leviathan
summon OnslaughtFull.ONSGenericSD - Summon a hidden vehicle (TC-1200)
summon ut2k4assaultfull.asvehicle.spacefighter_human - Summon a Human fighter
summon ut2k4assaultfull.asvehicle.spacefighter_skaarj - Summon a Skaarj fighter


How do I fly the bomber? Its hard to control...

Go here and install this mutator:



How can I improve my aim? practice, practice, and practice!

Take a look at this thread (mutator currently works for 2k3 only):



Where can I find new custom skins and models?



What is unreal paint? How does it work?


(the program is located on cd6 in the extras folder)


How can I view a demo i made/downloaded?

Go to the community area (main menu) and select the demo tab, then select a demo to play.


Other useful stuff:



Ut2k4 tweak guide:



Ut2k4 quits to desktop? Go here:


how do i get the funny vechile horn?

If you press semicolon ( ; ) while driving a vehicle it will play the horn! There is a different horn sound for each vehicle.

Also, if you bind a key to 'playvehiclehorn 1' it will play a second, slightly more funny horn for each vehicle. Do that by entering:

set input "key" playvehiclehorn 1

At the console, where "key" is whatever key you want to bind it to.


Unlock all team symbols without beating game:

If you can't wait to unlock all the team symbols by playing through the single player tournament mode, then just look in the ut2004 /system folder for two files, TeamSymbols_UT2003.int and TeamSymbols_UT2004.int and open them in something like notepad, because they are only text files. You'll notice that some have "SP" next to them, meaning they are unlocked through the single player mode, so just take out those so they are just "" and save.


For server related help go to www.unrealadmin.org


other links:


irc etg channels: (type /sever enterthegame , then type /join #channelnamegoes here)



tutorials/mapping/ai/karma physics/movers/skinning/terrain/textues/volumes etc...(links)


level editing tips+tricks


another helpful thread (lots of useful stuff including level editing guieds, tricks, tips, training files, map list)



ut2004 patch info:


weapon usage tips thread:



skip nvidia intro:



dealing with vechiles while on foot thread:



official weapons descriptions:


official vechiles descriptions



official storyline/teams

It's the year 2362. The most anticipated Tournament ever is about to take place, dwarfing the spectacle and drama of previous events. The finest competitors ever assembled prepare to lay waste to their opponents and claim the Tournament Trophy for themselves.

The Tournament 2362 has a cast of characters unequaled in its 25 year history.

The Corrupt: Xan Kriegor was long regarded as invincible, until Malcolm defeated him in the fourth officially recognized Tournament finals. After a long hiatus, he has returned to lead the Liandri team, The Corrupt, back to the championship. Xan is sitting out the early rounds, which he perceives as beneath his attention.

Thunder Crash: Following his well publicized break-up with long-time teammates Brock and Lauren, Malcolm has returned to lead his old team, Thunder Crash. Malcolm is currently rehabilitating an injury sustained in last year's championship match, but he is expected to be healthy in time for the Tournament Finals.

Iron Guard: Brock and Lauren joined forces with Malcolm during his reign as Tournament champion. Infighting and recrimination over their stunning defeat in last year's Tournament led to the dissolution of that team. Now, Brock and Lauren have returned leading their old team, the Iron Guard.

Juggernauts: Gorge is determined to prove that his one year reign as Tournament Champion is no fluke, and he has re-assembled the Juggernaut team he led to the championship. Axon Research Corporation has made armor and bio-genetic upgrades to the Juggernauts design for this year's Tournament.

Iron Skull: This year, the Skaarj Empire is represented by the Iron Skull clan, who seek to regain honor after long being held responsible for the loss of the Skaarj Mothership during the Human/Skaarj wars.

Sun Blade: Sun Blade is comprised of former Temple Guardians and veterans of the Desert Legion. They see victory in the Tournament as their only hope for burial and eternal life in the Valley of Kings on Luxor IV.

Super Nova: Super Nova, a team of mercenaries from the Seventh Mercenary Fleet, has entered the Tournament to pay off their debts to the Izanagi Corporation.

Black Legion: The Black Legion is made up of the hideously deformed subjects of weaponized genetic mutation tests. This year, they have a new leader, Abaddon, the current pinnacle of achievement of this line of experiments.

Fire Storm: The Mokara are respected and feared as warriors. The Mokara's elite fighting unit, Fire Storm, sends a team of their best soldiers to the Tournament each year.

Hellions: Once feared and reviled throughout human space as pirates and renegades, the Hellions seek to gain respectability as a mercenary outfit. They've entered the Tournament to demonstrate their capabilities to potential customers.

Blood Fist: The only team in the Tournament acknowledged to be entirely cybernetic, Blood Fist warriors have their programming upgraded each year, and have become more and more lethal.

Goliath: With the success of Gorge's Juggernauts in last year's Tournament, Axon Research Corporation is now sponsoring Goliath in hopes of producing an all Juggernaut finals.

ut2004 stats:

server rental program:



cliffy b site: www.cliffyb.com


alternative to fansite kit d\l



ogg player:



game rating:

03-11-2004 Gamespy 5 / 5
03-11-2004 IGN 9.4 / 10
03-25-2004 GamePro 5 / 5
04-27-2004 TechTV 5 / 5
04-16-2004 Worth Playing 9.4 / 10
04-12-2004 Game Revolution 18 / 20
04-08-2004 Game Zone 9.5 / 10
04-02-2004 Avault 5 / 5


add custom songs to maps (autoplay)



tutorials for unreal ed 3.0 (another post thread)


vctf tutorial:


another great tutorial thread (textures, images,utilities...etc...)



ons hints:

If you receive a missile lock warning, try to get out of sight quickly!",

"The Raptor's missiles will automatically lock onto Mantas and other Raptors.",

"In the Raptor press JUMP to fly higher and DUCK to fly lower.",

"The Manta can rapidly descend to smash your enemies by pressing %DUCK% or %ALTFIRE%.",

"Press %JUMP% to perform a 180 spin out in the Hellbender or Scorpion.",

"The Manta is the only vehicle that has the ability to jump.",

"When deployed, the Leviathan is highly vulnerable to air attacks.",

"You can heal a friendly vehicle with the link gun alt-fire.",

"You can heal a friendly PowerNode with the link gun alt-fire.",

"It is impossible to heal the final PowerCore, so defend it at all costs!",

"Press %TOGGLERADARMAP% to toggle the radar map on and off.",

"You can be hurt or killed by vehicles exploding near you.",

"Enemy Spider Mines can be destroyed, but some weapons are better against them than others.",

"Pressing %USE% on a PowerNode allows you to teleport to any PowerNode your team controls.",

"You won't be able to spawn at a PowerNode that is under attack, even if your team controls it.",

"If you die, any Spider Mines or Grenades you fired will explode.",

"Press %VOICETALK% to voice chat with your team.",

"%BASEPATH 0% will show the way to the nearest PowerNode or PowerCore the Red Team can attack, while %BASEPATH 1% will do the same for the Blue Team.",

"Press %TOGGLEBEHINDVIEW% to switch between 1st and 3rd person mode in vehicles.",

"AVRiL rockets will home into an occupied enemy vehicle as long as you keep your crosshair on it.",

"When you find a target with the AVRiL, press alt-fire to zoom and lock your view to that target.",

"The green light on top of the weaponlockers indicates that additional ammo is available at that locker.",

"Attack PowerNodes that have the enemy team color sky beams above them.",

"You cannot attack the PowerCore or PowerNodes if there is an energy shield present. Remove the shield by controlling a node that is linked to it.",

"The Grenade Launcher shoots sticky grenades that attach themselves to vehicles and players. You must detonate them yourself with the alternate fire (press %ALTFIRE%)",

"The bomber that the Target Painter calls in can be shot down by enemy fire.",

"In Onslaught, your team earns 2 points for winning before overtime and 1 point for a win during overtime.")

Description="Your team must take control over PowerNodes in a 'connect the dots' fashion to establish a direct line to the enemy PowerCore. Once you establish a link to the next PowerNode, you can destroy it if controlled by the enemy. Control the PowerNode for your team by touching it to start the build process (Use the linkgun alt-fire to speed things up). Once your team has a link to the enemy PowerCore, attack and destroy it."



"A waypoint on the HUD indicates the location of an objective.",

"Be on the look out for HUD warnings and alarm sounds when an objective is in danger.",

"When a new spawn area has been enabled, Press %SWITCHWEAPON 10% to teleport to it instantly.",

"Press %BASEPATH 0% or %BASEPATH 1% to highlight the current objective, show a path to it, and slide out the objective list.",

"Monitor the respawn countdown to know when to expect backups.",

"Some weapons are better at destroying enemy Spider Mines than others.",

"You can be hurt or killed by vehicles exploding near you.",

"You can heal a friendly vehicle with the Link Gun alt-fire.",

"If you die, any Spider Mines or Grenades you fired will explode.",

"The green light on top of the weapon lockers indicates that additional ammo is available at that locker.",

"All turrets can zoom in by pressing %MOVEFORWARD% and zoom out by pressing %MOVEBACKWARD%.",

"Link turrets have the same properties as the Link Gun.",

"The Ion Cannon and Ion Plasma Tank, while charging up, indicate their target with a laser beam.",

"You can switch between remote controlled turrets by pressing %NEXTWEAPON% and %PREVWEAPON%.",

"In a SpaceFighter, you can cycle through targets by pressing %NEXTWEAPON% and %PREVWEAPON%.",

"Various trophies can be obtained by destroying a key vehicle (or turret), completing an objective, or successfully attacking.",

"A trophy is given to the player completing an objective, but the points reward is shared between all contributors.",

"Press %TOGGLEBEHINDVIEW% to switch between 1st and 3rd person view in vehicles.")

Description="In each round, one team takes the role of the attacker, while the other team defends, in recreations of famous (or infamous) scenarios. After a pair of rounds, the most successful attacking team scores a point."


CTFHints="You can use %BASEPATH 0% to see the path to the Red Team base and %BASEPATH 1% to see the path to the Blue Team base.",

"Firing the translocator sends out your translocator beacon. Pressing %FIRE% again returns the beacon, while pressing %A:TFIRE% teleports you instantly to the beacon's location (if you fit).",

"Using the translocator to teleport while carrying the flag will cause you to drop the flag.",

"Pressing %SWITCHWEAPON 10% after tossing the Translocator allows you to view from its internal camera.",

"Pressing %FIRE% while your %ALTFIRE% is still held down after teleporting with the translocator will switch you back to your previous weapon.")

Description="Your team must score flag captures by taking the enemy flag from the enemy base and returning it to their own flag. If the flag carrier is killed, the flag drops to the ground for anyone to pick up. If your team's flag is taken, it must be returned (by touching it after it is dropped) before your team can score a flag capture."



DMHints="Every weapon has two firing modes, a regular fire mode when you press %FIRE% and an alternate fire mode when you press %ALTFIRE%.",

"Press jump again at the peak of a jump to get an extra boost.",

"Pressing a movement key twice in rapid succession will make your character dodge in that direction.","

You can also dodge off walls while in the air.",

"You can change weapons by pressing the associated weapon number, or scroll through your weapons using %NEXTWEAPON% and %PREVWEAPON%.",

"The shock combo is a powerful explosion created with a shock rifle by shooting a shock ball with a shock beam.",

"When loading up rockets using the rocket launcher alt fire, press the regular fire button before releasing the rockets to fire them in a tight spiral.",

"You can toggle the scoreboard display on or off at any time by pressing %SHOWSCORES%.",

"You receive adrenaline for killing enemies and other accomplishments. Once your adrenaline reaches 100, you can start an adrenaline combo by using the correct movement key combination.",

"%SHOWSTATS% will bring up a personal stats display.",

"You can shoot down enemy Redeemer missiles with a well placed shot.",

"Press %TALK% and type your message to send text messages to other players.",

"You can play taunts or other voice messages through the voice menu by pressing %SPEECHMENUTOGGLE%.",

"While crouching (by holding down %DUCK%), you cannot fall off a ledge.")

Description="Free-for-all kill or be killed. The player with the most frags wins."



"If you miss a player's chat message, you can use %INGAMECHAT% to display a box of all chat messages you have received.",

"Use the link gun alt fire beam to can link up with link gun carrying teammates. While linked, the teammate will receive a significant power boost to their link gun.",

"You can toss your current weapon for a teammate by pressing %THROWWEAPON%.",

"Teammates who have a link gun equipped will have a green team beacon above their heads instead of the standard yellow beacon.",

"Press %VOICETALK% to voice chat with your team.",

"Press %TEAMTALK% and type your message to send text messages to other team members.",

"The text-to-speech feature that makes the game read text messages aloud can be enabled in the audio settings menu.")

Description="Two teams duke it out in a quest for battlefield supremacy. The team with the most total frags wins."


stats for specific servers thread:


PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 4:48 pm

added some stuff/fixed some other stuff up

UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 5:27 pm

holy shit...
damn man.. thats a whole helluva lot of info...

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!
Ultimate Fanboy

Joined: 25 Aug 2003
Posts: 2831
Location: Halfway between the gutter and stars.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 6:18 pm

MySQL Database overloaded, [flash]critical[/flash]

<CrashOverwrite> ask Raven cause he nevaR knows anything.
<Cheetah01> hes nevaR here either Razz
<CrashOverwrite> true
<Rachel> Razz

PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2004 12:45 am

i update it daily so keep checking back Smile
Ultimate Fanboy

Joined: 25 Aug 2003
Posts: 2831
Location: Halfway between the gutter and stars.

PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2004 9:24 am

can you put up like a sign where you edited, its so much Very Happy

<CrashOverwrite> ask Raven cause he nevaR knows anything.
<Cheetah01> hes nevaR here either Razz
<CrashOverwrite> true
<Rachel> Razz
The Underworld God of Spamming

Joined: 07 Dec 2003
Posts: 748
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:08 pm

umm, its in the link cheetah Mad
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