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UO Staff

Joined: 21 May 2003
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Location: A small island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 9:40 am

Well I always like to personalyse the ppl Iðm talking to so if you want to give info about your selves like first name and work or sum. Well just not too much so someone can track you but just that you want to give away.

My name is Lalli (the Oni is like in japanese when ppl have ranks behind there names like Kamazuki-San and stuff and Oni means demon). I'm a gardener Wink well mostly ripping out big trees and hard labour like that. I'm also a dancer (latin dances) but not gay (when you are a dancer you have to give that out). I'm from Iceland and I think I came across this site through PlanetUnreal or maybe just someone was posting about some site. I've seen many Unreal news sites but this struck my heart and I've been frequent here ever since Very Happy.

Well I'm in some html game called Outwar... http://www.monsterwar.com and I would really appreciate that you could help me and click the following link http://www.outwar.com/page.php?x=726171 . There might be one commercial that springs up but you can always close it. Thx.

"The cow is you." -David Grohl

Last edited by Lalli-Oni on Sat Jun 14, 2003 11:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 10:24 am

My name is Matt Lemmon, age 18
Location: Clyde Ohio

I came up w/the name Raven, by playing UT there is a player named raven that jumped around a lot and i always jumped around people and got kills so i used that name, also i dont know how many of you read Alfred Hitchcock, but if you read his description of a raven that describes me, at least how i play UT, perfectaly.
You may see me going by the name Raven2049 (if there is a Raven already on the server), i got the 2049 from a N64 game SF Rush 2049, you may know it Wink
also i go by the name Merlin on some of the BF 1942 servers.

Interests: anything that includes a computer, rockets, carpentry, skiing, paintball, Models, and building Medieval weapons.

Occupation: Viynl Engineer/Web designer/computer builder
I build and design viynl signs for businesses in my area, also do some car graphics www.industrialimage.us/pictures/matt.htm
also design web pages, www.industrialimage.us that is where i work,
and i design computers for friends and family

High School: just graduated, Yippee!
College: Terra Community College

I play UT, UT2k3, BF 1942 and HL:Firearms every once in a while i play Starcraft, and i am a player in LORD, (Legend of the Red Dragon) a ANSII based text game, that is really cool for being so old and on a BBS.

Currently i am building a jet engine and i need someone to tell me how i can build a timer to let me fire a 12V spark plug coil really fast. like multiple times per second.

i have a few certifications, like Cisco Sem 1, Cisco Sem 2, IT 1, IT 2, Fiber Optic Certification, Wire-U, and a few others.

and i am having a creative block, because i cant design anything for me to use as my avitar. oh well
that's me in a nutshell

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!
Wanna-Be Webmaster

Joined: 17 May 2003
Posts: 1041
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 12:19 am

Hmm I like the idea of this thread.

My name is Aaron Bregg in real life and I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan USA. I work in the Restaurant biz again as well as doing freelance web design. Unreal Ops first started off as a UT1 clan in the beginning of 2000. A couple of months later one of our founding members purchased the domain name clanuo.net. I then posted clan and CTF community news until the clan merged with Space Pirate Fraggers to become the Forsaken Soldiers. After I left FS I started the site back up doing Unreal Related news.

At first we were pretty small and only recieved about 35 visitors a day from around the CTF community. Soon after this the domain name was changed to unrealops.com. I started to expand the site more to include all cool Unreal related news. After a small idea about a UT2 weapons preview article came to fruition, it was discovered by James 'Gwot' Edwards of Digital Extremes. The next part of the UO saga will come on another day. In the meantime here is what I look like in RL. The first pic is of my brand new girlfriend Lyssa and myself. The second is of the Unreal Pimp Cliffy B and I at Digital Extremes in May of 2002.

Where are you from and how did you discover Unreal Ops?


In the Immortal words of Socrates who said, "I drank what?"

Last edited by Tycho on Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:33 am; edited 1 time in total
Ultimate Fanboy

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 572
Location: Post Falls, ID, USA, North America, Earth, Sol, Milky Way

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:57 am

Hi there, my name is Jamie Harrell, age 24.

I currently live in the town of Klamath Falls, Oregon, where I am graduating from OIT with a degree in Computer Software Engineering. At the end of this month, I'm moving with my Fiancee to Post Falls, Idaho, where I hope to start my own computer business, dealing with custom software writing, and general repair and maintence.

I'm an advid UT player, and I'm a big fan of the LAN community, where I always try to help out hosting LAN events whenever I can. And it was in my search for some of the greatest information on the UT engine that I came across Unrealops.... been a fan ever since, though, I'm usually a rather quiet person (don't post much, just read, and laugh, though, lately that's been changing Razz )

Wow.... origins of the name Peoii..... damn...... Well, I don't really guess I have any.... If you do a google search for Peoii though, I'm the ONLY listing!!! *cackle* So yeah, I like being original...

I run a humbly quiet website to which as soon as I get up the capital, I'm going to be moving to some remote hosting on my domain name of peoii.com (gee, couldn't guess that one could ya? ).... Kinda tired of running it out of a computer in the corner of my bedroom....

Hobbies include case modding, programming, gaming, web design, 3d graphic generation, hiking, biking, skiing, and snowboarding. Oh, and I can't forget my favorite of Camping..... everyonce in a while, it's nice to get away from my computer (which otherwise occupies most of my day), and just get as far away from technology as I can...... It kinda brings me back into focus..... (I'm a druid that way, I gotta be focused and lead a balanced life, otherwise I'd drive myself to insanity)

As far as technical merits, I'm Drake A+ certified, and I've undergone all the classes required to become Novell (both install and admin) certified, though, as of yet, I'm unable to afford the test..... (classes were paid for by someone else, yay them)...

I'd post some pictures of myself, but just recently, my digital camera ate itself..... so I'm in the market for a new one.... Though who knows, maybe I'll post one of my graduation pictures once I get them.

Welp, that's me in a nutshell....

[Peoii's Place]

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0 Rows Returned.
UO Staff

Joined: 21 May 2003
Posts: 767
Location: A small island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 11:54 am

wow Tycho neat girlfriend... I was in 4 clans... MU (Mentally Unstable), U$ (Unstoppable Soldiers), UT (Unforgivable Tantra) and now SoS (many say sexy and cute (on Icelandic) but I say Sacramentum Obtembero Scelus which means oath to obay evil deeds/sins)

"The cow is you." -David Grohl
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 7:59 pm

well ive never been in any clans.
but i hope to be in one soon if someone would take me
i'm rated number 7 out of 90 in my areas lan party league. and we usually play half life, and UT (both versions)

i consider myself to be a pretty good computer tech, and someday hope to work in a computer store fixing, building, and updating computers and or networks.

I'm studying to be a Web Designer and if you clicked on any of my links above you can see why i'm still studying Wink
one day i hope to be as good as my idol Tycho Mr. Green Laughing

Where are you from and how did you discover Unreal Ops?

well i found this site surfing my schools internet (same as mine at home except its a T3) for unreal tournament maps that Bess, our schools Internet Protector, would let me access and download, and i came across Angel Mappers site, and tried out some of her maps, and desided i liked them very much and started clicking on her links, one of them, led me here, and i've been here ever since. i dont think you could get rid of me if you wanted to. not that i'd want you to try. but i started to talk to everyone and they treated me like a friend, and that made me feel all warm and cuddly inside. Embarassed
and i knew when tycho started a thread to wish me happy birthday last year, i would stay w/this site till the bitter end. (hopefully not to soon) Smile

my dream is to one day open up a business that people could bring their computers to me and hook them up into a network and have a lan party, or browse the internet at high speed, or just drop by and join in for some internet and/or LAN fraggin. i also have plans drawn up to convert a semi truck trailer into a mobile Lan Party, so people could call us out to their location, and have their friends over for some friendly fraggin. w/satellite internet of course. Wink (pay to frag, i love that idea!)

oh and Peoii, if you move into the ohio area and you do start up the computer store, look me up, if you need help, i'd be more then happy to work for ya.

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!

Last edited by Raven on Sat Jun 14, 2003 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 8:01 pm

man that has to be my longest post ever!

here is a pic of me
this is my graduation picture, i now have contacts

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 190
Location: BoooooM

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 9:42 pm

My real name is Daniel , I´m 26 years old and I live in Sweden. I´m studying Psychology and Chinese philosophy & traditions at the university. I´m having classes at a Thai Boxing club in my town (also doing some other martial arts but mostly Muay Thai at the moment), spending time with my dog, playing games and working for a great unreal related site (not saying this because of me but for the great work Tycho do). Most of these things are being done when I´m not spending time with my great girldriend Smile

UO Staff

Joined: 21 May 2003
Posts: 767
Location: A small island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:40 pm

humm I'm full into Anime right now (japanese cartoons) I once saw a Chinese cartoon movie and it was very cool. I've not heard much about Chinese philosophy except yin-yang thing, karma and stuff

"The cow is you." -David Grohl
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 190
Location: BoooooM

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 5:38 pm


Spamming Fanboy

Joined: 30 Jun 2003
Posts: 168
Location: Canada, eh!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 7:02 pm

Brett Michol - Age: 19 (for 13 days now, hehe) - Location: Ottawa, Canada - Education: Just finished high school (last of the OACs/Grade 13s here in Ontario...), entering Ottawa University in September to study Computer Science - Occupations: Former Esso Station Attendant (they fired me when I asked for like 2 weeks of reduced shifts so I could do as well as possible on my final high school exams ), Senior Associate & Webmaster @ a small but rapidly growing local computer sales and servicing store known as M.C. Digital Concepts ( http://www.mcdigitalconcepts.com - yes I know its a placeholder, Im still waiting for them to get me the server I need to host the amazingly amazing ASP-Flash hybrid site I built Cool ) . Furthermore, I'm a h4x0r 4 life (no, hacker in the negative connotation is not the only, nor the original useage of the word!), I love programming Java, and Im the Originator/Head of a mod for our beloved UT2k3/2k4 that you'll be hearing about soon, known so far (yes I finally picked a name!) as The Exodus Wars. So yeah when Im not doing all that and more, Im serving as leader of the Squirrels and plotting our imminent takeover of the planet...

Edit: once again I realise that Im posting over a month after the fact here, but we gotta get some conversation going here...

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UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 7:54 pm

again i say LOL

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!
Spamming Fanboy

Joined: 30 Jun 2003
Posts: 168
Location: Canada, eh!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 7:58 pm

Raven wrote:
again i say LOL

But this time less lazily Wink

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UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 9:07 pm

yah, i'm having a problem w/my cookies....
i keep eating them, and i cant find them anywhere.... so each time i come here i have to log in....

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!
Spamming Fanboy

Joined: 30 Jun 2003
Posts: 168
Location: Canada, eh!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 9:21 pm

Raven wrote:
yah, i'm having a problem w/my cookies....
i keep eating them, and i cant find them anywhere.... so each time i come here i have to log in....

mmmmmmmmmmmmm cookies....dammit, Im all out, I suppose a trip to the store is in order, but thats time away from UT Sad

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