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 Unreal Ops Forum Index » Unreal Tournament Series
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 8:52 am

it won't let me host a server for some reason ! Evil or Very Mad if any 1 can help plz post it
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 9:55 am

i have the same problem, and for me it was my ISP's problem.

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:17 am

what is ISP? Question

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:25 am

oh i allmost forgot here is my log Log: Log file open, 08/26/03 08:34:03
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
Init: Version: 2225 (121.29)
Init: Compiled: Apr 16 2003 22:59:27
Init: Command line:
Init: Base directory: C:\UT2003\System\
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Build label: UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2003-04-07_17.42]
Log: Bound to Window.dll
Log: Bound to Core.dll
Log: Bound to Engine.dll
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: Computer: MOMCOMPUTER
Init: User: Owner
Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=1
Init: CPU Detected: Unknown processor (GenuineIntel)
Init: CPU Speed=2402.120140 MHz
Init: Memory total: Phys=523056K Pagef=1279784K Virt=2097024K
Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Bound to WinDrv.dll
Init: Client initialized
Log: Bound to D3DDrv.dll
Init: Direct3D adapters detected:
Log: nv4_disp.dll/NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 (Gateway)
Init: D3D Driver: MaxTextureBlendStages=8
Init: D3D Driver: MaxSimultaneousTextures=2
Init: D3D Driver: MaxActiveLights=8
Init: D3D Driver: MaxPrimitiveCount=65535
Init: D3D Driver: MaxVertexIndex=65535
Init: D3D Driver: MaxStreams=16
Init: D3D Driver: MaxStreamStride=256
Init: D3D Driver: MaxVertexShaderConst=96
Init: D3D Driver: VertexShaderVersion=1.1
Init: D3D Driver: PixelShaderVersion=0.0
Init: D3D Driver: AGP support detected
Init: D3D Driver: Using w- pixel fog
Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
Init: Unreal Engine Direct3D support - internal version: SB3
Init: D3D Device: szDriver=nv4_disp.dll
Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 (Gateway)
Init: D3D Device: wProduct=6
Init: D3D Device: wVersion=13
Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=10
Init: D3D Device: wBuild=3082
Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=369
Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=-2026826654
Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=163
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia video card
Init: D3D Device: using cubemaps [with mipmaps]
Log: (Karma): Beginning Karma for game.
Log: (Karma): Creating MeAssetDB.
Log: (Karma): Loading: Djinn.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: Eleven.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: eman.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: SO_Animals.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: Telos.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: Trooper.ka
Log: (Karma): Loading: Tyr.ka
Log: (Karma): Finished Creating MeAssetDB (10 Assets).
Log: LoadMap: Entry
Log: Bound to XGame.dll
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Log: Bound to Editor.dll
Log: Static mesh batches: 0 vertex bytes, 0 index bytes
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Level is Level Entry.myLevel
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 0.000039...
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: NvidiaLogo.ut2?Name=Dragon_Of_Doom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Motig?team=1?ShortName= Dragon?PassAimCone=30?WelcomeSound=False
Log: LoadMap: NvidiaLogo.ut2?Name=Dragon_Of_Doom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Motig?team=1?ShortName= Dragon?PassAimCone=30?WelcomeSound=False
Warning: Type mismatch in MA of Orientation: file 2, class 16
Log: (Karma): Initialising Karma for Level.
Log: (Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
Log: (Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
Log: Static mesh batches: 508608 vertex bytes, 110460 index bytes
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 15992->15952; refs: 157540
Log: Game class is 'CinematicGame'
Log: Level is Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel
Warning: Paths may not be valid.
Log: Bringing Level NvidiaLogo.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 0.000043...
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is NvidiaLogo.Mutator
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Bound to XInterface.dll
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Bound to UWeb.dll
Log: Bound to ALAudio.dll
Init: ALAudio: subsystem initialized.
ScriptLog: Team 1
ScriptLog: Login: Dragon_Of_Doom
Log: CinematicPlayer got player WindowsViewport
Log: No ScoreBoardType specified in GameInfo
ScriptLog: New Player Dragon_Of_Doom id= ac72a89251d44084c9f387713170c68c
Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport
Log: Opened viewport
Log: Enter SetRes: 800x600 Fullscreen 1
Init: Best-match display mode: 800x600x32@100
Log: Using back-buffer format 22(32-bit)
Log: Using depth-buffer format 77(32-bit)
Log: Creating device
Log: xD3DHelper::Init (QuadEmulation)
Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: will use hardware transform and lighting.
Init: D3D Driver: CreateDevice: will use hardware vertex processing
Init: D3D Device: Device doesn't support D3DVTXPCAPS_MATERIALSOURCE7
Log: Creating IME context.
Log: OS doesn't support IME.
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 1.933023 seconds
Log: Precaching: NvidiaLogo.LevelInfo0
Log: Allocating 16384 byte dynamic index buffer.
Log: Allocating 65536 byte dynamic vertex buffer.
Log: Finished precaching geometry in 0.075 seconds
Log: Finished precaching textures in 0.026 seconds
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Dragon_Of_Doom
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Engine.Pawn
Log: URL: Adding default option Character=Motig
Log: URL: Adding default option team=1
Log: Browse: Index.ut2?disconnect?Name=Dragon_Of_Doom?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Motig?team=1
Log: Failed; returning to Entry
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport
ScriptLog: Team 1
ScriptLog: Login: Dragon_Of_Doom
Log: PlayerController got player WindowsViewport
Log: No ScoreBoardType specified in GameInfo
ScriptLog: New Player Dragon_Of_Doom id= ac72a89251d44084c9f387713170c68c
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.Deck17_BETA
Log: Scanning and building mutator list
Warning: Failed to load 'pm2': Can't find file for package 'pm2'
Warning: Failed to load 'SwitchArsenalClasses': Can't find file for package 'pm2'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SwitchArsenalClasses.SwitchArsenalClasses': Can't find file for package 'pm2'
Log: Failed to load 'Class SwitchArsenalClasses.SwitchArsenalClasses': Can't find file for package 'pm2'
Warning: Missing IntProperty IntProperty XGame.xPlayerReplicationInfo.headcount
Warning: Missing IntProperty IntProperty XGame.xPlayerReplicationInfo.headcount
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_Effects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOEffects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SO': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SO.SO_SPECIES_Human': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Log: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_playerskins': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.jj_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Log: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.jj_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_Effects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOEffects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SO': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SO.SO_SPECIES_Human': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Log: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_playerskins': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.kami_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Log: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.kami_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_Effects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOEffects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SO': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SO.SO_SPECIES_Human': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Log: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_playerskins': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.razor_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Log: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.razor_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_Effects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOEffects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SO': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SO.SO_SPECIES_Human': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Log: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_playerskins': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.Kara_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Log: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.Kara_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_Effects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOEffects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SO': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SO.SO_SPECIES_Human': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Log: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_playerskins': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.variant_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Log: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.variant_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_Effects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOEffects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SO': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SO.SO_SPECIES_Human': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Log: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_playerskins': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.variant2_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Log: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.variant2_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_Effects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOEffects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SO': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SO.SO_SPECIES_Human': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Log: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_playerskins': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.variant_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Log: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.variant_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_Effects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOEffects': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SO': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class SO.SO_SPECIES_Human': Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Log: Can't find file for package 'SOT_Effects'
Warning: Failed to load 'SOT_playerskins': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.variant2_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Log: Failed to load 'Material SOT_playerskins.variant2_bio': Can't find file for package 'SOT_playerskins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TWeaponSkins': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TSystem': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TSystem.TSpecies_StormTrooper': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Log: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TPlayerFaces': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.StormTrooperFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.StormTrooperFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'TWeaponSkins': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TSystem': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TSystem.TSpecies_StormTrooper': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Log: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TPlayerFaces': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.SandTrooperFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.SandTrooperFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'TWeaponSkins': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TSystem': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TSystem.TSpecies_StormTrooper': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Log: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TPlayerFaces': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.RedTrooperFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.RedTrooperFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'TWeaponSkins': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TSystem': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TSystem.TSpecies_StormTrooper': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Log: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TPlayerFaces': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.StormTrooperBlueFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.StormTrooperBlueFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'TWeaponSkins': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TSystem': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TSystem.TSpecies_StormTrooper': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Log: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TPlayerFaces': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.StormTrooperRedFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.StormTrooperRedFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'TWeaponSkins': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TSystem': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TSystem.TSpecies_Rebel': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Log: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TPlayerFaces': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.FleetRebelStandardFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.FleetRebelStandardFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'TWeaponSkins': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TSystem': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TSystem.TSpecies_Rebel': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Log: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TPlayerFaces': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.FleetRebelArmyFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.FleetRebelArmyFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'TWeaponSkins': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TSystem': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TSystem.TSpecies_Rebel': Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Log: Can't find file for package 'TWeaponSkins'
Warning: Failed to load 'TPlayerFaces': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.FleetRebelRedShirtFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: Failed to load 'Material TPlayerFaces.FleetRebelRedShirtFace': Can't find file for package 'TPlayerFaces'
Log: xUtil::CacheLoad CachePlayers (2.374192 seconds)
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'Material DM-1-Agony-2k3.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Error: Couldn't load DecoText XMaps.1-Agony-2k3
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary DM-1-Agony-2k3.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'basement': Can't find file for package 'basement'
Warning: Failed to load 'DM-1-Agony-2k3': Can't find file fo
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:59 am

Internet Service Provider = ISP = the people you get your internet from

hmmm, it looks like you might need to reinstall the game. then makesure your network settings are correct. other than that you should make sure that the "advertise Server" box is checked in the advanced tab. other than that i cant help ya Sad

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!
UO Staff

Joined: 21 May 2003
Posts: 767
Location: A small island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 2:24 pm

why advertise server? I never actually know what it does

"The cow is you." -David Grohl
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 2:35 pm

it advertises the server on the master server i think....

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:16 pm

dang! Crying or Very sad if i hav to reinstall the game it's going to take a hell of a long time i have about 200 mututes & about 100 fo them are zips

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:23 pm

is there any other way?????????
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:43 pm

i have no clue dude Sad
just highlight all the zips right click on one and go to "extract to here"
that should solve that problem Smile

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!
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