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PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:39 pm


Multiplayer Mode
Basic Concept
· Fast paced team action within the Far Cry universe.
· Assault, Deathmatch, and Team Deathmatch game modes.
· Utilizes some of the key features of the Single Player game:
· Long range Gameplay
· Vehicular gameplay
· Beautiful tropical environments
· Multiple maps to play in the package, and a complete editor to allow for the creation of new maps.
· Completely mod-able code allows for the community to make maps and MODs. We will be supporting the MOD community, and expect this to be the game for the MOD community for 2004.

Weapons, Tools, and Gameplay
· View distances that can exceed 1km, long-range gameplay has been a key feature of FarCry multiplayer.
· All weapons from the single player game are available:
· The sniper rifle and Rocket Launcher allows the player control over extreme ranges, sometimes shooting with accuracy across entire maps.
· Rocket launchers, mounted weapons, and scoped assault rifles (the OICW and AG36) allow the player to control the mid-to-long range areas as well.
· A new feature, the "sniper flare" allows other players in the game to pinpoint the position of other snipers by light reflecting from the sniper scope. This allows us to balance the threat of long range control of an area with increased vulnerability from other long range weapons.
· Player radar shows the placement of friends and only the sounds of enemies - allowing for great "cat-and-mouse" gameplay and highe coordination among teams.

Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch Modes
· Classic run and gun gameplay, either every man for himself, or 2 separate teams.

Assault Mode
· Tactical, team-based combat pitting two teams of attackers and defenders against each other to capture targets on the map.
· Each map contains three capture points that must be taken in order and within a time limit to win the game.
· All players play as one of three classes:
· Grunt: Has a huge selection of weapons, and has both more health and armor - but a slightly slower speed.
· Sniper: Can choose the Rocket Launcher or Sniper Rifle as primary weapon. Capable of doing damage across massive ranges, but has less armor and health.
· Support: Builds structures such as bunkers, towers, roadblocks, mounted weapons and walls. Also uses heavy explosives to destroy such structures. Can also provide health for other players in the game. Average health and armor.
· Once the point is captured, the teams move on to the next objective.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:39 pm

Sand Box Editor
Basic Concept
· The CryEngine editor offers some of the best technology available in an easy to use package that players can use to adjust or make completely new maps. The editor will be shipped as part of the final game, and support will continue online for the community after release.

Basic Concept
· "What You See is What You Play" Real Time Editing: The key to the editor is that you can actually play the game in the editor, using the exact same codebase as the real game. With one key-click you can transition from game to editor, testing and checking while you edit. This quick-response loop is the key to the success of Far Cry - and now it is available to the general public.
· Realtime Heightmap Terrain Editor: Allows the creation of a heightmap field by use of a grayscale image, or by directly pushing and pulling the terrain realtime.
· Realtime Texture Layer Painter: In addition to adjusting terrain textures by heightmap and angle, the player can paint textures directly on the terrain as though using a paintbrush. A complete texture pass can be done on a level in minutes.
· Material/Shader Editor: The system includes a complete material system that drives the textures on GLM pieces, as well as their physical properties, such as sounds when hit, particles, and pierce-ability.
· Realtime Dynamic Lighting Editor: Place dynamic lights and adjust them in realtime.
· Advanced Dot3 Lightmaps:Set up intricate light mapping settings, and then bake the results into the terrain, while retaining many of the properties of dynamic lights.
· Advanced GLM System: Build virtually anything from stock pieces of scenery, with copy/paste/snap/grid tools, or even make your own objects in Max and import them yourself. You can even cut sections of the terrain out, import it to Max, edit it, and bring it back into the editor as an object.
· Vegetation Painting System: Create whole forests in minutes, with various parameters settable to create unique areas, and optimizations to make them frame-rate light.
· Sound Placement: Place 3D sounds anywhere you want in the level - even attach them to objects and characters.
· Trigger and Game Event Placement: Place triggers, waypoints, and other game objects anywhere in the world, and attach them to scripts you can control. Allows for complete freedom of game design.
· Cut-Scene Editor: Make your own in game cutscenes, with fill animation and camera controls.
· Archetype Database: Set up a complete archetype library of frequently used objects, so that you can easily make global adjustments to the same objects across a whole level. These archetypes can then be imported into other levels easily.
· Physics Editing Tools: Completely configure the physics of any object in the game. Anything can be made into a rigid body and tuned.
· Particle Editing System: Create your own particle systems, with complete control over all aspects.
· Completely Configurable Editor Layout: Move user windows, adjust the toolbars, or even set different keys and macros.
· Complete Profiling Tools: Check your level and ensure that it is completely optimized using state of the art profiling tools for all elements of the game.
UO Staff

Joined: 21 May 2003
Posts: 767
Location: A small island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 7:01 am

preety cool... especially the editor, might play the SP

"The cow is you." -David Grohl
UO Staff

Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 2235
Location: Clyde, Ohio

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:57 am

i liked the fact that the main character was holding a heavy machine gun and wearing a hula shirt Very Happy

nevaR ask Raven
Because he nevaR knows!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 5:18 pm

Check out these 3 movies:

The editor in action:


The Editor AI in action:


The Opening Sequence trailer:


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