is now on a new host. Thanks to, everything is running faster and more smoothly than ever before!
Updated: Everquest II Server Status Graphic
I have created a dynamic graphic that will display the status of the Everquest II servers. This is more convenient that having to re-run the patcher to refresh the server status being displayed. In the event that servers are down, it will list them alphabetically.
barbos - February 20, 2005
Welcome to my development site. Currently development has been postponed until my host offers PHP 5 support.
I've had many ideas on what to do with the site. Currently most of the work has went to the back-end, so that it could help support future projects I might be involved with. However, I do wish to get into object oriented programming in PHP 5 (when the option becomes available on my host).
So until then, feel free to visit the links on either side.
barbos - February 16, 2005