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Wanna-Be Webmaster

Joined: 17 May 2003
Posts: 1041
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 8:47 am

If you could ask Epic a question for UT2004, what would it be? (Serious Replies Only)



In the Immortal words of Socrates who said, "I drank what?"

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 11:45 am

well besides the question about the release of the free/dedicated linux server version, I'm still confused about the LG/Sniper deal. It's not as important as the server, but this is my question:

- the LG is going to be a "mod" in regular game play
- the old Sniper will be available in Onslaught (please explain the connection between vehicles and the sniper)
- will there be a NEW weapon added to replace the LG in regular gameplay ?


back to servers for a sec - how do they plan on coordinating the upgrades to the 2k3 servers with the release of 2k4 ? Will it be simultaneous ? If 2k4 is released as an "upgrade" to 2k3 then I presume that the minute you install it, your version of 2k3 will be toast (meaning that you can't have working copies of 2k3 and 2k4 on your system). If that's the case will they be upgrading the 2k3 servers before the new release so that there will be places for 2k4 people to play on immediately ?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 11:46 am

uh, that was posted by me Very Happy

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 1:07 pm


-Will there be any changes to the editor, as far as features?

-Will the terrain editor be the same as it is for ut2k3, or what major changes will we see in the terrain editor?

-Will the ut2k4 onslaught maps have indoor and outdoor enviroments on the SAME map?

-Will there be DE and EPIC Bonus Packs for ut2k4?

-Will the new team colors carry over to DDOM / BR / CTF?


PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 3:37 pm

Will there be any enhancements to spectating?
Will there be any enhancements to demo playback?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:00 pm

The sniper will replace the LG mod style in onslaught right?

What about the MineLayer, will that replace a gun? If so, Which

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:00 pm

hehe sry, that was me ^^
Wanna-Be Webmaster

Joined: 17 May 2003
Posts: 1041
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:10 pm

No problem you guys. Keep em coming!


In the Immortal words of Socrates who said, "I drank what?"

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 6:13 pm

I believe Mark Rein said that the translocator is going to be changed in an irc chat a little while ago, can you tell us what the change is going to be?

I also believe that Rein said that he planned on having a "get together" at Raleigh w/ some "pro" players to test out the new maps and such, are there still plans for this? If so when?

Do you have any idea about how much the rebate will be for 2k3 owners and what they will need to show proof of purchase?

Will there be vehicles that can use more than 1 person in onslaught? Such as 1 person being the gunner in the tank and the other being the driver?

Will people be able to parachute from aircraft in onslaught?

Are there going to be attempts to fix the bugs found in this thread? http://www.ina-community.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=309850&perpage=30&pagenumber=1

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 6:26 pm

This is a obvious question but I think it might just be the most important of them all:

Will they release a UT2004 Demo and give the community a couple weeks to test it and report bugs/suggestions?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 7:36 pm

Will they please think about gimiping the SG a lil? Ruins 1v1.. Makes it to defensive and boring to watch.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 8:50 pm

This is Moose...

Will there be a UT2k4 MP Demo?

What are the "compatability" details for UT2k3 and UT2k4 exactly? What I mean here is: I understand from my readings that UT2k4 clients will be able to play on any UT2k3 and UT2k4 servers. While UT2k3 clients can ONLY play on UT2k3 servers. Is this true or are UT2k3 clients going to be able to play on UT2k4 servers running the UT2k3 gametypes (CTF, DDOM, TDM, DM, BR, Inv, Mutant)? If so then what about free mods such as Deathball and others will UT2k3 clients be able to run on UT2k4 servers running those free mods? (My guess is NO and that UT2k3 clients may ONLY play on UT2k3 servers but I'd like some valid yes or no answer to this question)

Will there be a free UT2k4 server-only download like there was in UT and UT2k3?
Wanna-Be Webmaster

Joined: 17 May 2003
Posts: 1041
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 9:30 pm

As far as I know (I will get more accurate info very soon) there WILL be a multiplayer demo out before. I would imagine that they will learn from their mistakes and not release the full version 2 weeks after the demo. If I had to take a guess I would say about a month ala UT1.

The rebate question will be answered very shortly. I will imagine they will have a get together soon and hopefully UO will be invited. The Tranny question is a good one and I will definitely ask about that one!

Keep em coming!


In the Immortal words of Socrates who said, "I drank what?"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 7:45 am

- Will we be able to use any Character in the game as a Default Player Model? As opposed to only a few they choose.

- Any plans on making a Hud Customization Menu like the one seen on Troopers: Rise of the Rebellion? And what about a Crosshair Customization Menu?

- I know this isn't very likely... But any chance of a "Look Menu" where you can customize the look of the Guns? Not the entire look, just maybe a couple Stickers or a little space where we could write something? Man... That'd be an awesome feature. Very Happy

I know these are all little things but I think details always make the games better.
UO Noob

Joined: 04 Aug 2003
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 11:33 am

*Are you ever going back to the "regular low-lives now fighting in a bloody tournament" theme, or sticking with the sports theme with out of place characters like the Egyptians?

*Will there actually be good playable maps?
I know, this question has been beat to death, but the majority of the maps aren't really enjoyable. Especially considering the enhancements involving mobility.

*Will there be a larger gap between public betas and the game actually going gold?
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